Saturday, 6 September 2014

Marbled Nails + Mini Update

Hey guys!

Firstly, I must apologise for the 2 month hiatus my blog surprisingly took. It wasn't planned at all but I ended up having a super busy summer and I didn't have time to blog but now I'm back and hopefully will be getting up posts regularly! 

To get myself back into a blogging routine I've decided to do a nail art post (of course). I'm super happy to do this as the places I've been working do not allow nail polish so it has been a hard and sad time for a nail polish addict like me. But to be honest, it's getting me used to life post university as my desired career unfortunately won't allow me to wear nail polish anyway.

I've always wanted to try water marbled nails but it looks like it needs quite a bit of patience which I don't really have time for at the moment so I found a sort of cheat way to get marbled nails. 

pink purple marbled nails

 These are the polishes I used to create this effect. I painted my nails half and half with each colour and then used a match (because I had no cocktail sticks at home) and to create the spiral effect.

pink purple marbled nails

pink purple marbled nails

This has got to be one of the easiest nail art designs I have done and I love the result It also has a kind of metallic finish to it but that might just be due to the colour combo. I then used my matte top coat to finish off the design.

If you would like a tutorial for this design do let me know. You can tweet me or leave a comment below.

If you have any marbled designs of your own (water or non-water) do leave the link below as I would love some inspiration as I seem to be loving marbled designs at the moment! 

Thanks for reading!!!