Saturday, 23 November 2013

I heart London review

Hey guys 

I thought I'd do a book review and the book I've just finished reading is 'I Heart London' by Lindsey Kelk.
I love these series and if you haven't read them I would highly recommend them.

I actually started reading this book in the summer but life got in the way and I didn't have a chance to finish it but I found myself a copy and finished it in a couple of days!

The main character, Angela Clark has gotten to travel to a load of big cities that I would love to go to and in this installment, she has returned home to London. This time city landmarks referred to make more sense to me. Although I'm not a Londoner, I have many friends who are and have been many times and so know many of the references making it easier to picture and relate to.

In the book there's a wedding to plan so I couldn't help but catch wedding fever.
She's also trying to sort out her career and in true Angela Clark style both can't get done without hitches and glitches.

One of the reasons why I love this book (and series in general) so much is because Angela is such an easy character to relate to.
She has problems just like you and I would have such as worrying about whether her parents would like her boyfriend, hoping her friends from different environments will get along, dealing with exes etc.

It's a great book that will make you laugh and sometimes want to slap certain characters (maybe that's just me).

It's exactly what I needed as all these science textbooks just aren't doing it for me.

Have you read this book? What did you think of it?
Do let me know.

Thanks for reading and don't forget to follow me on twitter and bloglovin!

x x


  1. oh i love reading :) any book review will get me really excited! i thought this one deserves a go, i never heard anything from it but it does sound interesting and like a nice book to make me company for a couple of evenings and nights of reading! very nice indeed, i think i'm gonna check it out!


    1. You so should! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. This isn't the first in the series so I would suggest starting with I heart New York.
      A Christmas special has just come out so I'm going to start that one soon!
      x x

  2. mm... I heart London too. And live there. And have wedding plans to do... I need to get this book too! :))
    TA for the recommendation!


    1. I would love to live in London for a bit after I graduate and before I decide where I want to settle down to experience the business of it but it's so expensive. Good luck with all the wedding plans!! x x
